
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Which color? Help me decide..

I have been trying to decide whether to keep Eli's crib color or to change it. We got the current crib from Diana's baby shower. I picked it so I liked it then. I am not quite sure how I feel about it today. The color we have now is cinnamon. Thanx to the power of spray painting, I can change the color in minutes..

His room theme is nautical, check it out here - colors are red, navy and white. His room walls are white (we are renting and so I don't want to paint walls).

So please take the time to help me decide. The voting poll is on the top right corner of my blog.
You have until Friday midnight.

The cinnamon is more like a cherry and the java is like walnut/expresso

Thank you, thank you:)

Update: Thanx for all those that took the time to look at this. I appreciate your suggestions. I have decided to paint it java. Wish me luck..


  1. Tough decision! Hmm..the white could potentially clash against the white walls. I do like the cinnamon though with nautical theme. But the java is my favorite color for cribs. It just looks expensive and would also go with the theme =) Take a pic of the room when it's all finished!

    1. Thanx for taking the time to look at this. I was leaning more towards the java too.. I will post pictures for sure.
